1. Prelude in D
2. Jesus, What a Friend of Sinners
3. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
4. Sweet Hour of Prayer
5. Study in D
6. In Hope of Rest
7. Salem
8. Daily I Mourn
9. Too Many Goodbyes
10. Tis So Sweet
11. Benediction
12. Muse
13. Daily I Mourn - Reprise
"Glen Larson's guitar carries a kind of sound born in the crucible of suffering that has never lost hope. This is what joy sounds like when all you have is God and a guitar. This is not the fading quietness that comes from the lack of life, but the waiting quietness that comes from the love of life - and all the more weighty, because born of loss. Glen's guitar is not sentimental or even merely stirring: I find it to be simply true. If you have tasted what St. Paul meant by "sorrowful yet always rejoicing," you will probably listen and close your eyes and say, Yes."
-John Piper
Below you can listen to some samples of my
music (and students) from my Youtube channel.
If you'd like to see more videos, you can visit my Youtube page by clicking here.
If you wish to make a comment, or would like to contact me directly regarding the CD, or any
other things you have heard, you may reach me at 651-253-8088, or click here to email me.